Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Mission Dayton Update

Terrific gathering last Sunday night at Kaley's apartment. We actually sang some songs! Earlier in the week I sent an email out to all participants wanting song ideas and received not one suggestion back. So, we're going to continue to sing "Pharaoh, Pharaoh" every Sunday until I get some suggestions. I might break out a little "As the Deer" for a change of pace. Seriously though, our night together was an encouraging time spent in prayer, scripture, and healthy discussions.

Let me catch everyone up on what's been happening lately in the life of The Mission.

Our gatherings have been going a little over an hour. Actually longer if you include the relaxing time of conversation and hanging out we do after the service. We've been discussing passages from the Sermon on the Mount over the last three weeks. The teaching time is about 15 minutes followed by a heavy dose of discussion and interaction. The goal for The Mission's Sunday gatherings is "transformation", not just passively imparting biblical information.

We've been using The Daily Office, a large selection of ancient readings and prayers, to prepare our hearts for what God might teach us through His word. These readings and prayers are pulled directly from scripture and are beautifully crafted together. We find it incredibly stimulating and unifying to be reading and praying the same thing as millions of other Christ followers all over the world. It brings a spiritual connection and better understanding of being the Body of Christ. If you want to know more about these century old readings and prayers that have been around for countless millions of our brothers and sisters in Christ to enjoy together, you can visit dailyoffice.org.

Soon we will be meeting with our lawyer to finalize the documents that will be filed with the state of Tennessee in order for us to be recognized as an official non-profit organization. Its actually a pretty big deal for us as we begin to realize that this dream is coming true. It's amazing to think that 50 or 100 years from now there might be a healthy church, living and breathing Jesus, because of what He's doing through us today.

All of this is quite humbling and exciting. I'd like to ask those that read this blog to join us as we pray that The Mission will become the hands and feet of Jesus in this community. In the coming weeks I'll do my best to keep these updates rolling. Much love to everyone!

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